can terminate this test by holding down the apple key and typing a period.
The computer will then proceed to check the memory boards and the I/O board.
The screen will flash or flicker during these three tests. Do not be alarmed.
This is normal to check the different components and their functions.
When all components have been checked and all is working properly your screen
will appear as follows.
Select either Retest or Turn Off. If you select Turn Off, the screen will
dim and after about fifteen seconds and the computer will turn itself off.
You can then turn the computer on and begin normal operation. If the test
did detect an error with one or more of the boards you would see a message
indicating which board or device is causing the error and needs to be replaced.
Built-in Service Mode
In addition to the automatic startup tests, the Lisa has built-in
service mode. Some tests are easy to figure out. Adjust Video, for example,
puts up a 1/2 inch reverse video crosshatch. Here's how to enter the built-in
service mode:
1. If the computer is on, turn it off. Wait a few seconds, then without
inserting a startup floppy disk, turn the computer on again.
2. At the end of the kernel test (when you hear the first click), hit any
key except Caps Lock. Hitting a key interrupts the normal startup procedure
and turns on the Startup From mode.
3. At the end of the module test (when you hear the second click), hold
down the Apple key and press the 2 key.
4. Since there's no floppy disk in the disk drive, the Lisa beeps three
times and presents you with an error box. Ignore it!
5. Hold down the Apple key and press the s key. S presumably stands for
service. Case is irrelevant. Pressing S, or s, will engage the service mode
as shown in Figure 16.
Note that the numerical shortcut keys for the menu items don't require pressing
the Apple key. If you'd rather not use the mouse, just press the numerical
keys (all by themselves) to engage the tests. Press and, if necessary, hold
down the Return key to return to the main menu. Press 7, not Apple 0, to
Quit. Press the Reset button at the back of the computer to exit an endless
Figure 16 The Lisa's built-in
service mode. Use with caution!
Warning! The Power Cycle & Loop On Test presume a stock hardware
configuration. They should not be used with a modified Lisa 2 or a Macintosh
XL. Running the Power Cycle test with an 800K disk drive upgrade will cause
the disk drive test to fail. Running the Power Cycle test on a Lisa 2/5
with an internal hard drive